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D5 security is an independent private security company based in the UK. We pride ourselves in providing outstanding security and staffing services for high-net-worth individuals, families and businesses based in the UK, China and Hong Kong.


We understand that no two clients are the same, which is why we take the time to learn more about you, your team and your business. This allows us to work together to develop a tailor-made security plan for your exact requirements. The majority of our staff have extensive backgrounds in the British Military and Police ensuring that the highest standards are met.  Their vast training and experience enable us to offer you unrivalled professionalism and the utmost discretion.


D5 Security provides security solutions for Events, Nightlife, Corporate/Retail and Close Protection.


The Senior Management Team behind D5 Security have been providing event security management services in the UK, Poland and China for the past 12 years, with over 15 years of combined experience in high end, customer service focused security. Our team are the security people behind events such as London Chinese New Year, McLaren Presenation Evening, Hublot Ferrari Silverstone Racetrack and London Kylin Celebrating Reception. We have purposely aligned our business to reflect our style, influences and passions.



D5 Security have been specialist providers of retail guards to many of London's top stores and Pop-ups. We deliver exemplary guarding and service for our luxury retail clients. All of our security guards are highly experienced in dealing with the public, as well as offering a friendly and approachable client experience. This manned service is designed to protect staff and deter crime whilst representing the high standards of the client brand at all times. This allows customers to feel welcomed and protected and allows staff to be able to fulfil their roles to the best of their ability without the additional concern of security.



We have a passion for Nightlife Security, striving to create safe, fun and exciting environments that align with our clients' needs. We provide experienced, SIA accredited Door Supervisors for venues, bars and restaurants.

This passion has allowed for us to be the preferred supplier for many of London top venues.

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Close Protection

D5 Security brings a unique style of close protection to its customers from their years of real world experience.  We pride ourselves on a discrete and unobtrusive method of protection that has attracted an array of clients from diverse industries and requirements. 

Clients who choose our Close Protection service can feel fully secure in the knowledge that they have such an experienced team supporting them. As with all security delivery, planning is crucial to success. Thorough research is carried out during the consultation process, structuring your requirements to minimise risks and ensure all contingencies are considered for every possible situation.


Peter Wai

Director - Founder

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Founder Peter Wai, having over 20 years’ experience in the British military, police and private security sector. His vast knowledge, experience and leadership within this sector allows D5 Security to resolve security concerns at all levels and over various roles, as well as using his vast network of professionals in providing exclusive and discreet services to his clients.


No matter what our client requires, D5 Security will provide a discreet service with the upmost professionalism of individuals.




For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: +44 (0)7557041697

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Head Office

71-75 Shelton Street,

Covent Garden,



Tel: +44 (0)7557041697

Company Number 14826412



To apply for a job with D5 Security, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to:


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